Planning and managing your time when you’re sitting an exam is very important. It’s not difficult, and can definitely make a difference to your results.
Get to your exam on time. Arriving when the exam has already started will make you feel uncomfortable and stressed, and the glare you’ll get from the examiner will only make things worse.
Take advantage of any practice test, ask your teacher or tutor what they think might pop up in the paper.
And finally, before you enter the exam hall.
…go to the bathroom. All the best of luck, and remember that the more prepared you are in advance, the less stress you will experience on the day.
1. Ask for help.
If you need help with a subject, or have questions you need answered, don’t be afraid to find a teacher or tutor before the exams. It will give you peace of mind, and you wont spend the night before the exam with your fingers crossed, hoping that particular question won’t appear on the paper..
2. Take a break.
If you need a break after your exam, take it and schedule revision time for the next day’s exam later in the evening. Relaxation is important.
3. Try not to cram.
Cramming is a necessary evil sometimes, but take a five-minute break after each hour of study. Get-up, move about, stretch your body, and maybe take a breath of fresh air.
4. Be on time.
Get to your exam on time. Arriving when the exam has already started will make you feel uncomfortable and stressed, and the glare you’ll get from the examiner will only make things worse.
5. Know as much as you can about the exam.
Take advantage of any practice test, ask your teacher or tutor what they think might pop up in the paper.
6. Have a good night’s sleep.
Get to bed early, and don’t fall into the trap of spending the night in front of your books and developing ‘owl eyes’. By this stage you should be well prepared for your exam, and a good night’s sleep will leave you refreshed the next morning and ready to face the day.7. Eat before the exam.
Have a good breakfast. There may not be time before you enter the exam hall, and an empty stomach can make you feel tired, anxious and shaky.